For : the experienced surfer who doesn’t need lessons and already knows the reef break.
Goal : practice in fun and safe conditions under the supervision of a local guide
Your surf guide will help you to select the most suitable surfboard according to the conditions and your experience. After a short briefing you’ll jump in the water where your guide will lead you to the green waves. He will help you to catch them at the right spot and also ensure your safety in the water.
– Your experienced guide in a group of 5 persons max.
– Boat transfer to the surf area
– Surfboard rental (whatever size)
– Reefboots
– Rashvest
Duration of 1.5 to 2h in the water

350.000 Rp/session
or 300.000 Rp if you book 3 times and more
You need more practice to assimilate your freshly learnt skills ?
– Boat transfer to the surf area
– Surfboard rental (whatever size)
– Reefboots
– Rashvest
Duration of 1.5 to 2h in the water
200.000 Rp/session
or 150.000 Rp if you book 3 times and more
There is NO INSTRUCTION or GUIDING included in the combo surf.
Being on your own in the water means you need to understand and apply the rules and ethic of surfing.
Too many inexperienced surfers try to go on their own too early while they are not yet ready to be without an instructor/guide and without applying these rules. These surfers are a real danger to themselves and to other surfers. The result is unfortunately too often damaged equipment, injuries and frustration that can lead you to get scared or disgusted of surfing.
We do not want that to happen. That’s why we reserve the right for our instructors to refuse the access to the combo surf if you are not experienced enough and/or the conditions of the day are not suitable for your level.
Please if you are not ready yet to go on your own do another surf lesson or at least surf guiding. Safety first !